North Queensland outside pilotage areas: Notices to Mariners

The North Queensland outside pilotage area is part of the North Queensland region.

Data and Resources

  • 453 T of 2024 .pdf

    03/09/2024: Molongle Creek—Bed levelling works AUS charts affected: AUS826;...

  • 292 of 2024 .pdf

    11/06/2024: Enterprise Channel, Lucinda—Isolated danger mark permanently...

  • 280 of 2024 .pdf

    07/06/2024: Enterprise Channel, Dungeness, Lucinda—Special mark withdrawn,...

  • 067 T of 2024 .pdf

    09/02/2024: Enterprise Channel, Dungeness, Lucinda—Sunken vessel, Special...

  • 064 of 2024 PDF

    09/02/2024: Enterprise Channel, Dungeness, Lucinda — Buoyage altered. AUS...

  • 060 of 2024 PDF

    7/02/2024: Taylors Beach, Approach to Victoria Creek — Buoyage altered....

  • 054 of 2024 .pdf

    01/02/2024: Wunjunga, Cape Upstart—Aids to navigation, established AUS charts...

  • 513 of 2023 PDF

    16/11/2023: Reno Bay, Cape Upstart Bay—West Cardinal Mark established AUS...

  • 308 of 2023 PDF

    11/07/2023: Enterprise Channel, Lucinda—Shoaling in Channel AUS charts...

  • 169 T of 2023 PDF

    14/04/2023: Hinchinbrook Island, Missionary Bay—Beacon No. 09 destroyed;...

  • 168 T of 2023 PDF

    14/04/2023: Hinchinbrook Channel—Hinchinbrook Channel, Lateral buoy No.15...

  • 109 T of 2023 PDF

    09/03/2023: Outside Pilotage Area, Orpheus Island—Hazard to Navigation – Two...

  • 012 of 2023 PDF

    11/01/2023: Halifax Bay—Obstruction, North cardinal mark buoy established AUS...

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1.0
Last Updated September 30, 2024, 06:05 (AEST)
Created January 5, 2015, 15:24 (AEST)